Mysql Database Backup Using PHP / Batch File in Windows System.

Mysql Database Backup Using PHP / Batch File in Windows System. In this section, I will show how to backup Mysql database using php script and batch file(.bat). I had created this script for our client as they require automatic mysql database backup for their project. So You can schedule below script in task schedular of windows system to backup database on daily /monthly basis. Mysql Database Backup Using PHP Script : Example:...

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Update Query using joins in MySql

Update Query using joins in MySql  In this Article, I will show how to write Mysql update query using joins.You can use multiple tables in your single Update query. Example : Departments Table : id Name 1 Accounts 2 R&D 3 Sales Employees Table : id Name Salary Department Id 1 Rajesh 50000 ...

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Create Complex polygon on GMap using Google Maps API v3

Create Complex polygon on GMap using Google Maps API v3 In this Section, I will show you how to create polygon on gmap using Google Maps API v3 that has complex edges.This example creates polygon using polyline based on user clicks.I have written this script to create complex geofences. This example provides everything you need to draw polylines and polygons.You can use the search box to search & zoom location on the map...

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Find second and fourth saturday's of the month in PHP-MySql

Find second and fourth saturday's of the month in PHP-MySql In this section, I have created simple script in PHP to find second(2nd) and fourth(4th) Saturday of the month. <?php // Mysql Connection $conn = mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); if (!$conn) { die('Could not connect to MySQL: ' . mysql_error()); } echo 'Connection OK'; mysql_close($conn); // Select Database mysql_select_db("test"); // Array of the Month's $month_array=array("jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","july",'Aug',"Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); //...

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php.ini configuration file Default values

php.ini configuration file Default values The PHP configuration file(php.ini) is read when PHP is initialized. php.ini includes the core php.ini directives you can set these directives to configure your PHP setup.php.ini will be located at /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini or /etc/php.ini php.ini default values: display_errors ;Default Value:...

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