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1. please make sure you make a backup copy of the original file in case you make a mistake.
2. Find the httpd.conf file
3. Inside the httpd.conf file find and uncomment the line LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.
4. After you have made the changes and saved them, restart your httpd (apache) server for the changes to take affect.
6. Done.

Check if its working

Create a .htaccess file (a text file named .htaccess) with the following code in it
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

Save the file to a subdirectory of your main site something like this


 browse to the subdirectory (http://localhost/project/).

- No errors Congrats mod_rewrite engine is now enabled.

- 500, Internal Server Error If you get this message then mod_rewrite was not installed/enabled on your computer.