What is the difference between Get and post method.
  • Get method is not secure as data will be appeared in the url address.
  •  Using post method is much secure as  it will not appear in the url address.
  • Get Method transfers only 255 char. No limitation for the Post method 
  • Get request is comparatively faster.
  • Get is the default method of the HTML From elememt.we need to specify the method attribute and give it the value "POST".
  • If you use POST method than all the form element value is passed from the header response. which we can get it using the $_POST method.
  • If you use GET method ,we can get it using the $_GET method.
  • You can only bookmark if the method used is GET and cannot bookmark in POST method.
  • GET request is sent via URL, so GET can carry only text data whereas POST has no such restriction and it can carry both text as well as binary data.
  • GET requests are restricted to use ASCII characters only whereas POST requests can use the 'enctype' attribute with a value "multipart/form-data".