PHP Interview Questions and Answers1
PHP Interview Questions and Answers
In this section, I have selected advanced php interview questions and answers for all levels of candidates(entry level, advanced level, expert level).Last few months I have been working to select best question and answer set for PHP-MySQL interview questions.I have written some php tutorials.
Here is some PHP Interview Questions:
- What is Object Oriented Programming?
- Explain about UML?
- Advantages of object oriented programming?
- What is a Class ?
- What is an Object ?
- What is the relation between Classes and Objects?
- What are different properties provided by Object-oriented systems ?
- Explain about abstraction?Explain about encapsulation?
- What is an Abstract class?
- What is an Interface?
- What are Abstract methods?
- What is the difference between Abstract classes and Interfaces ?
- What is difference between Static and Non-Static fields of a class ?
- Static Keyword?
- Static Methods and Properties?
- What is a constructor in class?
- What is a Destructor in Class?
- What are access modifiers?
- What is serialization?
- Explain about inheritance in OOPS?
- Explain the usage of encapsulation?
- Explain about polymorphism?
- Give the syntax of GRANT commands?
- Give the syntax of REVOKE commands?
- What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR data types?
- How can we encrypt and decrypt a data present in a mysql table using mysql?
- How To Remove White Spaces from the Beginning and/or the End of a String in PHP?
- How to Find a Substring from a Given String in PHP?
- How To Replace a Substring in a Given String in PHP?
- What is meant by MIME?
- What is the difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY in SQL?
- What are the MySQL database files stored in system ?
- How Many Ways to Include Variables in Double-Quoted Strings in PHP?
- How Many Ways to Include Array Elements in Double-Quoted Strings using PHP?
- How To Access a Specific Character in a String using PHP?
- How To Assigning a New Character in a String using PHP?
- What are the functions for IMAP?
- What are encryption functions in PHP?
- count/number of elements of an array?
- How to set cookies in PHP?
- How to reset/destroy a cookie in PHP?
- How can I know that a variable is a number or not using a JavaScript?
- What is the use of friend function in PHP?
- What is maximum size of a database in mysql?
- What Are the Special Characters You Need to Escape in Single-Quoted Stings?
- Can You Specify the "new line" Character in Single-Quoted Strings?
- What Are the Special Characters You Need to Escape in Double-Quoted Stings?
- How Many Escape Sequences Are Recognized in Double-Quoted Strings in PHP?
- How To Include Variables in Double-Quoted Strings in PHP?
- How To Concatenate Two Strings Together in PHP?
- How To Compare Two Strings with Comparison Operators in PHP?
- How To Convert Numbers to Strings in PHP?
- How To Get the Number of Characters in a String?
- How To Take a Substring from a Given String in PHP?
- What Is a Persistent Cookie in PHP?
- How can we encrypt the username and password using PHP?
- How To Protect Special Characters in Query String?
- What are the differences between DROP a table and TRUNCATE a table?
- Are objects passed by value or by reference?
- Would you initialize your strings with single quotes or double quotes?
- What is the difference between the functions unlink and unset?
- How can we extract string from a string using regular expression of php?
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