Major expressions used with find command to select file is it has been accessed in more than 375 days
Posted by Raj
Wipro Technical interview Questions
Major expressions used with find command to select file is it has been accessed in more than 375 days,is A)-a time +365 B) -m time +365 C)-a time -365 D) -m time -365
Ans:C (-a time -365)
Major expressions used with find command to select file is it has been accessed in more than 375 days,is A)-a time +365 B) -m time +365 C)-a time -365 D) -m time -365
Ans:C (-a time -365)
This entry was posted on October 4, 2009 at 12:14 pm, and is filed under
find command to select file.,
Wipro technical interview questions
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