PHP array length size count
Posted by Raj
PHP array length size count
In this Article, I will explain How to get the length of array in php using `count` php function.In PHP sizeof() is just a alias of count() function.
count :Get the actual length of array in PHP.
Example:array size in php
$arr1 = array('A=>0','B=>1');
echo count($arr1);
In this Article, I will explain How to get the length of array in php using `count` php function.In PHP sizeof() is just a alias of count() function.
count :Get the actual length of array in PHP.
Example:array size in php
$arr1 = array('A=>0','B=>1');
echo count($arr1);
This entry was posted on October 4, 2009 at 12:14 pm, and is filed under
array php size,
array size in php,
array size php,
php array size,
php size array,
php size of an array,
php size of array,
size array php,
size of an array php,
size of array in php,
size of array php
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