Linux command to check the number connections to port
Posted by Raj
Linux command to check the number connections to port
In this tutorial, I will explain how to check the number of connections to port using linux command.
check the number of connections to database
Command :netstat -antp | grep :3306 | wc -l
//3306 is Mysql port Number
check the number of connections to FTP
Command :netstat -antp | grep :21 | wc -l
//21 is FTP port number
Some Important Linux Port Numbers:
21 => FTP
443 =>HTTP Secure
22 => SSH
23 = > Telnet
2086 = > CPANEL WHM
2087 = > CPANEL WHM - Secure/SSL
2095 = > cpanel webmail
111 = > rpcbind
953 = > rndc
143 = > IMAP Protocol
993 = > IMAP Secure
3306 = > MysQL Server
4643 = > Virtuosso Power Panel
2082 = > CPANEL
2083 = > CPANEL - Secure/SSL
Plesk Control Panel = > 8443
DirectAdmin Control Panel = > 2222
Webmin Control Panel = > 10000
2096 = > cpanel webmail - secure/SSL
25 = > SMTP Mail Transfer
43 = > WHOIS service
53 = > name server (DNS)
80 = > HTTP (Web server)
110 = > POP protocol (for email)
995 = > POP over SSL/TLS
9999 = > Urchin
In this tutorial, I will explain how to check the number of connections to port using linux command.
check the number of connections to database
Command :netstat -antp | grep :3306 | wc -l
//3306 is Mysql port Number
check the number of connections to FTP
Command :netstat -antp | grep :21 | wc -l
//21 is FTP port number
Some Important Linux Port Numbers:
21 => FTP
443 =>HTTP Secure
22 => SSH
23 = > Telnet
2086 = > CPANEL WHM
2087 = > CPANEL WHM - Secure/SSL
2095 = > cpanel webmail
111 = > rpcbind
953 = > rndc
143 = > IMAP Protocol
993 = > IMAP Secure
3306 = > MysQL Server
4643 = > Virtuosso Power Panel
2082 = > CPANEL
2083 = > CPANEL - Secure/SSL
Plesk Control Panel = > 8443
DirectAdmin Control Panel = > 2222
Webmin Control Panel = > 10000
2096 = > cpanel webmail - secure/SSL
25 = > SMTP Mail Transfer
43 = > WHOIS service
53 = > name server (DNS)
80 = > HTTP (Web server)
110 = > POP protocol (for email)
995 = > POP over SSL/TLS
9999 = > Urchin
This entry was posted on October 4, 2009 at 12:14 pm, and is filed under
internet port check,
ip port numbers,
linux server,
netstat -antp,
netstat -g,
netstat connection,
netstat number of connections,
port checker udp,
remote connection to linux,
tcp port checker
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